
  • Regular Paper Submission: Click here

    To have a paper considered for inclusion on the program, please submit an abstract of up to 500 words. Joint-authored papers should be submitted by the author who will present the paper.

    Panel Submission: Click here

    To focus on discussion about the panel subject, instead of paper presentation, please submit a panel proposal of up to 800 words. A panel session is about 75-100 minutes long, consisting of one moderator and 3-5 panelists.

    Special Session Submission: Click here

    An organized session should have a minimum of 3 papers focusing on the theme of the session. Each session is about 75-100 minutes long, containing 3-4 papers. An organized session with more than 4 papers may be scheduled to span multiple session periods or some papers will be assigned to other sessions. Please submit a special session proposal of up to 800 words as well as the abstracts of the papers to be presented in the session. Paper presenters do not need to make submissions individually.