Special Session: Digital archiving and sharing of temporal and spatial data

  Chair: Ching-Chih Lin (National Chengchi University)

  Session abstract

  • 近年來由於資通訊科技和空間資訊科技發展迅速,地理時空相關資料的蒐集較之以往更為快速且精確,然而,各種不同類型地理空間資料爆炸性的成長,如何對於事件與物件做有意義且系統性的紀錄,以及資料的處理、儲存、散佈也帶來新的挑戰。本場次邀請學者從不同面向探討「時空資料之數位典藏與分享」的研究成果,包括:地理人文(Geo-Humanities)資料的紀錄方式,「協作式地圖(Collaborative Map)」在數位人文的創新應用,以及數位資料的紀錄與散佈。



      郭俊麟 (國立東華大學)



    2.Making Sense of Data in the Digital Geo-Humanities: The epistemic status and heuristic
     functions of cognitive grammars

      Oliver Streiter (國立高雄大學)


      In this contribution we elaborate the notion of a cognitive grammar as a systematic collection of cultural and spatial relations. Cognitive grammars can enrich and link different data layers describing cultural landscapes, practices, or spatial and temporal arrangements. A grammar rule consists of a) natural or cultural contextual features, b) cultural entities, c) the placement of entities in context, d) a natural language description of the rule, e) etic and emic motivations for the rule and f) a significance test.
        Fig. 1 shows a rule that describes the orientation of walled gardens on the Penghu archipelago. This rule can link and enrich two layers: i) a geographic map of Penghu and ii) a data set of gardens with their geo-references and orientations. Mapping areas according to rule adherence, a cultural grid is created that reflects the wind-resistance of gardening practices. The mapping of layers can be summarized as: Cultural and natural notions→ rule ←→ terms,tests→ data sets,values → geo-references→ geographical map.
        Linked layers can be mapped in different ways. If a rule, as in Fig.2, resembles itself a map, one can re-project the geographic map to fit it into the schematic map of the rule. Accordingly, the landscape would be seen, not in geographical, but in cultural terms.
        Fig. 3 shows that data layers can relate individual media files to a rule and thus receive a cultural interpretation of the media file. This can be useful in multimedia applications for educational purposes.
        Finally, rules can be manipulated in psychological experiments or interviews when investigating the notions used and relevant for a community.
        Cognitive grammar rules thus are a versatile representational format which through the vertical co-occurrences of terms and indices can link maps, data sets and media files to analyze, interpret or visualize aspects of data in the humanities. At the same time, cognitive rules comprises a low level representational format which allows researchers to interact with community members without interference through top-down theoretical notions.

      Figure 1: Walled gardens (caizhai) turn away from the wind

      Figure 2: Caizhai, settlement and mountains

      Figure 3: Mapping geo-referenced media files through
      elevation data and geo-references to cultural interpretations

      All rules, graphs and images from Streiter, Zhan and Goudin (to appear).


      莊庭瑞 (中央研究院)


        這些擾人的問題,難有滿意的答案。不過,我們或可以借鏡一些成功的經驗,例如維基百科以及維基媒體基金會之下的幾項專案:「維基共享資源」(Wikimedia Commons) 以及「維基資料」 (Wikidata) 等。這些都可用於當代事件與物件的協力紀錄、保存與散佈,並且有助於數位資源的參照使用。
        我們也將分享一些經驗,如於本院進行的工作:「318公民運動文物紀錄典藏庫」、「COVID-19 影像與敘述」、「研究資料寄存所」等。祈望能有交流討論。